

Not only is Chamomile a lovely smelling and pretty plant. It is quite beneficial as a companion plant. When planted near other herbs it tends to enhance flavor and encourage growth.
It is quite hardy and lasts through the hot Australian summer quite well. Once it has passed away you will find that it may have dropped some babies nearby so you will never be without it again.
It can be planted near brassica's to attract hover flies and wasps which in turn eat naughty larvae and cabbage moths.
Once the flowers have formed and begun to bend backwards a little you can cut them off and dry them. A teaspoon of the flowers in hot water will give you a lovely calming and relaxing chamomile tea.
Chamomile tea aids in anxiousness and can assist with cramped bellies. It is a wonderful treatment for little skin ailments too.
Chamomile plants assist marijuana plants in quite a lovely way. You can either make a tea and use it as a spray to move bugs away. Or plant nearby also, as the Chamomile plant is a lovely plant doctor.

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